Via Ferrata with Face Sud - Lac de Villefort

Via Ferrata with Face Sud - Lac de Villefort

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Via ferrata at Villefort Lake.
Challenging course overlooking a mountain lake.
Great outing in unspoilt nature.
Monkey bridges and zip-lines.
Several exits allow participants to stop whenever they wish.
Suitable for children from the age of 14 upwards.
English spoken.

Learn more
  • Address
    • Face Sud Multiactivités : canyoning, canoë-kayak, via cordata et via ferrata, spéléo, escalade, vélo électrique, VTT
    • 89 allée des Cades
    • 07150
    • Vallon-Pont-d'Arc
  • website Go to the website Facebook
  • Phone 04 75 87 27 23
  • Mail Write us
  • Opening

50 metre zip-line, monkey bridges, Nepalese bridges.
Access for the disabled.
Previous experience in via ferrata is not required yet all participants must be in good physical condition.
Please bring:
- Small backpack.
- Bottle of drinking water.
- Suitable sports footwear.
- Snack, such as a cereal bar.
Participants wearing glasses need bring a glass-cord.
